4 Tips for Taking the Best Instagram Photos


The key to a great Instagram photo, is lighting. It is better to take advantage of natural daylight or sunlight if possible. This gives your pictures a fresh, natural, and aesthetically pleasing look. However, you can also take advantage of the sunset lighting later at night to give your feed a hint of warm tones. You do not want the picture to be over-exposed, but you also do not want it to be too dim. If using an iPhone, tap the camera app, tap the screen to focus on the object/person you wish to photograph and slide the bar to alter the exposure.

Capture Moments

It is important to upload unique content to Instagram to keep followers interested. Don’t be shy to capture any moments you feel are photo worthy. This could be your personal life such as family, friends, relationships etc. Or you may post content of whatever interests you such as your hobbies and your passions which can spark inspiration in your followers.

Take Advantage of ‘Burst’ Feature

Posing for multiple different pictures can feel difficult and awkward. This is why it is best to use the ‘burst’ feature on iPhone which will take multiple pictures in seconds whilst you move around to capture the most ‘natural’ shot. You can then look through the bursts of pictures and see which one you like best or suits your feed the most.


A background can make or break the perfect Instagram shot. A messy, busy background can easily steal the attention away from the focus in the picture. Try and find clean, minimalistic, backdrops to ensure the attention is solely on the one object or person you want it to be on. Consistent backgrounds also make for a clean and aesthetically pleasing looking feed which can attract more followers and engagement.


It can be a difficult task taking the perfect Instagram shot. However, it is possible to get creative regardless of your surroundings or city. Using these 4 tips and incorporating them into your photos can make for a great post, enhancing your social media content the way you want it to.